Hi, I need to relinquish ownership of my cat due to health and financial reasons. The owner has an allergic reaction to cat fur. Manja, the cat, has a gentle nature and doesn't cause much trouble. Despite being over a year old, she is small in size and is affectionately called "ketot". She doesn't eat a lot but enjoys raw chicken. Manja is the best cat ever because of her excellent behavior, even after giving birth to kittens, she still acts like a playful kitten.
Hii nak lepaskan atas faktor kesihatan and kewangan, owner ada masalah allergic dengan bulu kucing. Manja, dengar kata, tak banyak songel, dah biasa kena panggil dengan panggilan ketot sebab dia ketot kecik even dah lebih setahun umur tak sure umur berapa, makan jenis yang tak banyak tapi suka makan ayam mentah. Kucing paling baik pernah ada sebab sangatla behave even dah beranak ada anak perangai masih macam kitten suka main.
嗨,想要放弃宠物因为健康和财务原因,因为宠物主人对猫毛过敏。 Manja是一只可爱的猫咪,听话,不太会叫,因为她身材娇小,即使已经一岁多了,也不确定多大,在食物方面比较挑剔,但喜欢生鸡肉。这是最好的猫,因为她的行为非常好,即使已经生过孩子,她的个性仍像小猫一样爱玩。