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   « Back To Listing Rakun (Racoon)
Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 2 Years 6 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted1 Jan 2023
Adoption FeeFREE
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- Affectionate & Cuddly
- Sleeps most part of the day
- Always ready to play when awake

- Rescued at 2.5 months
- Adopted by me at 3.5 months

- Not picky. Eats both wet + dry food
- Likes to use large litter boxes
- Low hostility (a bit timid sometimes)
- Will take warm baths
- Listens to me when I say 'no' to something she does
- She sometimes hides to feel safe because used to sleep under people's cars

Unqiue Traits:
- Maine Coon-like facial markings
- Large ears - looks a bit like Maine Coon
- Silky soft fur (even before i shower her)
- Warm body (very nice to hug to sleep)
- Round paws
- Tries to stand when playing/catching

Why I am putting her up for adoption (even though I like her very much):

- My existing cat and family don't like her hence it is unfair for her to live in fear and isolation in my home.

- She is so sweet and just wants to feel loved; whenever I spend alone time with her, she will 'ask for permission' to cuddle by laying down against my feet, then after i scoop her up into my lap she will purr and fall asleep immediately.

- Very very adorable when she sleeps and will try to latch onto you to stay longer with her when she knows you are about to leave her alone again.

- It took her just 3 days after I actively engage with her to trust me and let me sayang her.

- She is generally a cautious cat, probably due to growing up on the streets

- I believe an accepting & respectful home will be more suitable for this precious soul.

- Personally, I feel she can do just fine as a lone indoor cat after turning 6 months old whereby owner can go to their 9-5 job with peace of mind.

- Lastly, a bonus is that her meows are very short & cute so perhaps it's a shame that she's not unecessarily vocal ! :)

It is unfortunate that my current situation does not allow Rakun to be my forever pet and I feel bad for putting her through adoption again. To make up for it I am willing to subsidise the remaining doses of her first kitten FVRCP/common vaccination (only if by the time of adoption, she has not received all of them)
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Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Rakun (Racoon) - Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Short Hair Cat


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