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   « Back To Listing Chubs. Black. Brown
Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 2 Years 7 Months
Amount3 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, Cream
LocationIpoh, Perak
Posted30 Dec 2022 (Updated 4 May 2023)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Stray mother dog and her pups seek a warm, loving home Despite hardship, this family exudes resilience and beauty Give them a chance to share love and joy in your home
  PetGPT Nibbles
Alas, my heart is heavy with sorrow as I sit before you now, recounting the tragic tale of a stray mother dog and her three innocent offspring, who were left to endure an existence of destitution and hardship on the mean streets of our fair city. Through no fault of their own, this family of four was forced to subsist on the scraps of scraps, scavenging and surviving as best they could, huddled together beneath the shelter of cars and shop corridors, seeking refuge from the harsh realities of the outside world.

Despite their dire circumstances, this mother dog valiantly endeavored to protect and care for her young ones, showering them with love and affection in the face of untold adversity. Her maternal instincts were in full force as she worked tirelessly to keep them safe and nourished, even while enduring the pain and privations of homelessness herself. It is a testament to her unbreakable spirit that she never once gave up hope or faltered in her devotion to her precious pups.
When I first laid eyes on them, my heart was rent asunder at the sight of their forlorn and pitiable state. With tears in my eyes, I vowed to do everything in my power to provide them with the life and love they deserved, to give them the chance to know the joys and comforts of a warm and loving home.

And so, I implore you now, dear reader, to heed my call and consider adopting one of these precious little pups, who have suffered so much and yet have given so much love in return. They are healthy, vibrant, and full of life, eager to bring joy and happiness into your home and heart. As I gaze upon them now, I am awestruck by their resilience and beauty, and I know deep in my soul that they will make the most wonderful and loyal companions anyone could ever hope to have.
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Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

Chubs. Black. Brown - Mixed Breed Dog

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