(Currently fostering)
Bibi is a rescued kitten that has lost her(his?) mom. It has been 4 days and the mom hasn’t come back to claim Bibi yet.
Bibi is a playful and affectionate kitten. We brought Bibi to the vet to deflea, deworm and also checked for parvovirus which Bibi tested negative for.
The vet couldn’t tell Bibi’s gender yet as Bibi is too young. Vet said looks like male but could also be female as tortoiseshell are mostly females. Bibi weighs 600grams for now.
Bibi urgently needs a home as we currently already have one cat at home and couldn’t house another one as the current cat is rejecting her. Bibi is currently living in our car porch and Bibi needs a warm loving home in this rainy weather! Please adopt Bibi 🥹