Hideyoshi Nagachika is a kitten named after my favourite anime series Tokyo Ghoul. Just like the character, Hide is a very calm, supportive and loving kitten. He is the older brother of Kaneki a mixed breed of British Shorthair and Calico. Everytime Kaneki took his toys while they're playing he will just let him be. They always play rough house together but Hide will play safely without injuring his lil bro. Despite his gentle nature, Hide is very efficient and practical when it comes to 'play hunt' (unlike kaneki , a bit of lil slob). Regarding litter box, Hide knows how to use litter box and very particular, he doesn't like dirty litter. Hide eats wet food mixed with dry food, he also has a unique meow sound just like a rock star. If you are interested to adopt lil Hide, please feel free to contact me 🥰🍦✨