Cat for adoption, DLH mixed with Maine Coon. On a diet of molly. 3 years old and neutered. Very affectionate and playful. Located in Kajang area.
The fee is to cover the expenses for the other cats.
Kucing dlh mix maincoon
Diet molly
3 thun n dah mandul
Sgt2 mnja dan plyful
Area kajng
Fee untuk. Cover perbelanjaan kucing lain
Kucing dlh mix maincoon
Diet molly
食用的猫粮为 Molly 品牌
3 thun n dah mandul
3 岁了,已经绝育了
Sgt2 mnja dan plyful
Area kajng
所在地点为 Kajang
Fee untuk. Cover perbelanjaan kucing lain