**fee will be returned in full once cat has been neutered (if adopted before that) OR after 3 months of minimal follow up
Halo was found screaming out her little lungs on a tree on Halloween
She was totally alright, just abit dramatic
Right now she’s on schedule for her vaccinations and neutering
She’s very affectionate, doesn’t yet know her boundaries with other animals and is very responsive to play.
She’s alright with nail clipping and water
She’s got a straight tail with no kinks and has little orange bits here and there, super cute
Yuran akan dikembalikan sepenuhnya setelah kucing telah disterilkan (jika diambil sebelum itu) ATAU selepas 3 bulan pemantauan minimum.
Halo ditemui menjerit di atas pokok pada malam Halloween.
Dia sepenuhnya sihat, cuma sedikit dramatik.
Sekarang dia sedang menjalani jadual vaksinasi dan pemandulan.
Dia sangat penyayang, belum tahu batas dengan haiwan lain dan sangat responsif terhadap bermain.
Dia baik-baik saja dengan memotong kuku dan air.
Dia memiliki ekor lurus tanpa belokan dan terdapat sedikit bintik-bintik oren di sana-sini, sangat comel.