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   « Back To Listing Magic - Your Worst Nightmare
Magic - Your Worst Nightmare - Domestic Short Hair Cat
For Adoption
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 3 Years 4 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationDamansara Damai, Selangor
Posted8 Nov 2022
Adoption FeeFREE
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Gorgeous snow-white fur and cornflower blue eyes, but don't be fooled, Magic isn't a cuddly cat! Magic prefers to be left alone, approach with caution or risk her claws With patience and love, you might just be able to bring out the magic in Magic
  PetGPT Nibbles
Are you a thrill seeking, adrenalin junkie who loves to take risks and overcome challenges? Then Magic is the cat for you!

Magic is a beautiful-looking cat. Her snow-white fur is thick and fluffy, and her cornflower blue eyes are deep and alluring, like Pacific Ocean rock pools. However, her gorgeous exterior gives a false impression of this pretty furball – Magic is not a cat to be trifled with!

You see, Magic does not like people. Leave her alone to do her thing, furnishing her with a plate of food and a bowl of water, and she will respect your boundaries. Try to approach for some love and affection, and you will be sorely disappointed, in more ways than one.

If you go too near to her, Magic is likely to lash out, faster than a magician’s sleight of hand, and tattoo you with an imprint of her claws. Walk too close, and the low rumbling of a sudden growl will be the only warning before your legs are in tatters, and your ego in pieces. Perhaps Magic had a traumatic encounter with people when she lived on the streets. Rescued when she was pregnant, even the love and attention of her rescuers, who housed and fed her, gave her a comfy place to have her kittens, and have dedicated themselves to looking after her since her kittens have grown and been adopted, has not been enough to convince her that as humans, we are ok.

However, Magic has become less fierce over the months. She no longer lunges purposely at you, but will glower from a short distance, warning you to come no further. Giving her slow winks of the eye seems to have helped her mood. Perhaps if she had a permanent home, she would finally learn that humans are great friends, not target practice.

So, if you have little care for your life and wellbeing, or would just like a pretty, ornamental cat for your home, or perhaps if you feel you have the magic yourself to show Magic how to love back, then this cat is waiting for you. Please whatsapp for more details.
All our adoptions are free, but if you give a donation of RM40+ you will receive a free Cat Inspiration Book. You’ll need it!

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Magic - Your Worst Nightmare - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Magic - Your Worst Nightmare - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Magic - Your Worst Nightmare - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Magic - Your Worst Nightmare - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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