Pumpkin is a 3-year old female ginger domestic shorthair. She has a sweet personality and loves following you wherever you go. She is not a lap cat but prefers to give lots of rubs and head bumps. She loves the outdoors too. Am currently fostering her while helping her to find a forever home. She is a rescue from my apartment neighborhood as a lot of residents do not like stray cats and some have even poisoned other cats in the area, so have decided to keep her safe until she has found a new and safe home. She has already been spayed, vaccinated and dewormed. If you are interested in adopting her, I will provide you with a litter box, scratching mats, food and water bowls, a basket bed, brand new cat carrier and cat treats. The RM150 adoption fee is to cover the previous medical costs and you will also be getting all the cat supplies listed above.