I got Adik(Snowball) from a place where they sell bunnies as meats🥹. She was a baby that time and my dad insisted to take her home. I actually refused the idea because I know how big is the responsibility of taking care a bunny and it’s not easy physically/financially. It was okey at first but I’m a college student now and there’s no one to take care of adik… Even my siblings don’t spend time with her after school 🥹 Adik is locked at the small balcony and is not allowed to enter our house because she’s not potty trained yet and she bites the door a lot..They won’t potty train her😭😭 Adik lovessss running around and exploring the house but now she can’t anymore so i think she’s not happy and maybe stressing out rn.. Adik loves sleeping under my sister’s bed, beside the toilet cause it’s cool there🥹 and she LOVESS headpats also she is very very veryyyy fluffy and ofc adorable! I hope there’ll be a kind soul to adopt her and give adik a wonderful life cz she deserves it. Thank you for reading, pls contact me if you’re willing to take adik🫶🏻