Hello my name is Faputa which means Immortal Princess (although I'm young enough that it can still be changed) I was found in a neighbours car engine, where it was warm and cosy. My rescuers have not managed to find my mother.
I am 2 and 1/2 months old, I have all my teeth and my eyes are changing colour already. I have black glossy fur a cute long tail with big bat ears. I am small for my age at 500grams but I am slowly gainly weight. Sometimes I forget to eat my kitten food because I am too busy playing. When I am 1kg the vet says I can be vaccinated. When I am 5-6 months she said I can be neutered.
I have been dewormed, and deflead and I was very happy that I tested negative for FIV and feLV. I play nicely with other cats even when they are much older and bigger than me and when I'm tired I am very cuddly and will sleep in your lap.
My rescuers sometimes carry me around in a tote bag when I'm sleeping so I can stay close to them. I can be carried in your arms and I like to be stroked especially my chin and my back. I am super playful and energetic so my rescuer will provide some of my favourite toys.
I can't wait to meet my new owner, I have so much love to give