One day, Manja was resting under our customer's car. When the customer wanted to leave the parking lot, the tire of the car hit Manja. We have taken manja to the vet. Thankfully Manja's leg was not seriously injured. And I have brought him home to take care of him while waiting for his leg to heal. Now I want to find a master to take care of Manja. This is because I can't with cat fur. And my mother dOn't want a cat in our house.
Suatu hari, Manja berselera di bawah kereta pelanggan kami. Apabila pelanggan itu hendak meninggalkan tempat letak kereta, tayar kereta melanggar Manja. Kami telah membawa Manja ke doktor haiwan. Nasib baik kaki Manja tidak terluka secara serius. Saya telah membawanya pulang untuk menjaganya sambil menunggu kaki Manja sembuh. Sekarang saya ingin mencari tuan untuk menjaga Manja. Ini kerana saya tidak selesa dengan bulu kucing. Dan ibu saya tidak mahu ada kucing di rumah kami.