Male, Neutered
Pattern : Solid Ginger like Golden Retriever
Lost since 21 August, around 11pm Sunday Nite. Usually he return home by himself after brief nite stroll.
He had never left the house since home birth, he does not have outdoor survival skills as he's terrified of territorial street cats.
22 Aug
Me & my girl dreamt of our cat returning home. But whole day waiting no cat insight yet..
At 10pm, anxious, we drive ard with cat treat in hand, only to return home disappointed. Soon a guard we enlisted help called us to identify a cat who's probably been hit by accident. That's why he can't make the journey home to us? Make sense..
Turn out, another disappointment.
23 Aug 2022
Good news, thanks the Lord our precious manage to find his way home after missing for 2 days, in the morning we distributed flyers in the neighbourhood & spoken to some to help lookout, by ard 11pm, there's a a pleasant surprise at the door, he was fending off a stray male, a regular troublemaker.
This sharing is to give HOPE to catparent alike, who's had the same experience and losing sleep..
Cats love outdoor chasing whatnot, stern reminder .. ALWAYS Total Supervision !