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Lost in KLANG
Domestic Short Hair, 1 Yr

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Husky, 2 Yrs

   « Back To Listing Uteh And Kitties
Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 15 Years 2 Months
Amount4 Pets
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationGombak, Kuala Lumpur
Posted13 May 2010 (Updated 4 Jun 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Uteh And Kitties - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Page: 1 2    27 Comments
ManekiNeko   May 14th 2010 at 7:44PM
Missing, for what it's worth, many vets in the Klang Valley use a different method to spay stray female cats. They go in through the side, not the belly, and they say the cat can be released back into its feral community within a few days.

It might be worth asking your vet about it. Apparently some vets feel confident with this procedure, yet others prefer to use the standard belly incision. I don't know why. I hope the vets at Klinik Kembiri are familiar with it.

Anyway, thank you for trying to re-home these fur-babies! :-)
macgyverjune   May 14th 2010 at 9:39PM
Emy,all my cats recover within 3 days after the surgery.they making such much noise,bouncing and jumping in the cage wants to go out. Today, science and technology making it less painful and quick reovery for neuter cats.
missing   May 16th 2010 at 12:22AM
i dont know.. anyone can help me with
the procedure..? i pay for the neutering,
help foster them dalam pantang, when well
return them.. im afraid i might make mistake
ke ape ape.. i really tak confident with female
after surgery.. seen one at my aunty's place,
she pee & poo everywhere, curl herself in one
corner tak moving.. sedih tengok tapi tatau nak
buat how to lessen her pain.. nak pegang pon takot,
bekas jahitan tu.. kesian sedih takot sedih kesian.. hmm
macgyverjune   May 16th 2010 at 12:50AM
Ermy,where's your location?? Neuter/spay shud be a very simple proceudre. I think the vet who neutered your aunt's cat is not a vet but probably used to work with vet and observed how is the procedure. It happen to several of our forumer friends and worst case their cats died 1 week after she was spayed. You can go to Klinik Kembiri in Jalan Air Panas, Setapak.Most private vet volunteer their service in this Klinik to sharpen their skill. 90% of my cats were neuter here including strays around my area. They were all healthy and happy cats now. No complication whatsoever after the surgery.
CanuckinKL   May 16th 2010 at 10:47AM
Spay, spay, spay!

Spaying is a relatively simple and very common operation. It still must be done by a qualified vet. Klinik Kembiri 3446 is qualified and low cost.

Spaying actually decreases the chances of mammary cancer, tumors and infections in female cats. Spayed cats stick closer to home and are less likely to get lost. There is no more howling while in heat thus not attracting Tom cats to your home. Spayed cats are more cuddlely as well and will live a very contented life. My cats have always lived into their mid-teens and have all been spayed/neutered.

You will also not have go go through the job of rehoming unwanted kittens in the future and will stop contributing to pet overpopulation.

It is far more dangerous to be an unwanted cat living on the streets with malnutrition, infection, injuries from fights with mean people, and getting hit by cars than it is to have this surgery.

Good luck with rehoming the kittens to you while you make this decision.
missing   May 17th 2010 at 12:06AM
macgyverjune, im in sri damansara, i want to go through with this neutering thing, but can you take care of her for me while recovering, i provide like boarding, please help me.. please.. 2 mommy cats, uteh and crackers.. please help me.. please..
macgyverjune   May 17th 2010 at 9:29AM
Ermy do you have cage?? If you do,very simple.cage the cat after neuter for at least 7 days to restrict her movement. Give her wetfood instead of kibbles and waterbowl together with litter box. if you can find Gamat gel (the brand is HEALIN) is even better. you apply at her belly twice a day to speed up her healing process. After that you can release her back to her territory. I can't take anymore cats coz I have 12 in my hand and my next door neighbour keep complaining abt my cats.
hannananae   May 17th 2010 at 12:30PM
macgyverjune : thanks for the info but by putting gamat healin, doesnt the cat will lick it off?
macgyverjune   May 17th 2010 at 12:45PM
Even if the cat lick it off,it won't harm the cat. My cats like to lick the gel evertime I apply it on their belly. That is why I put e-collar.If possible, let the gamat gel dry and sip into the incision to speed up the healing process.Make sure the gamat gel is original from HEALIN (red and white packing).
hannananae   May 17th 2010 at 12:47PM
oo..okay thanks so much ^^,
amirsarif   May 17th 2010 at 2:23PM
babe,nak tnye,yg whit red tabby tu male ke female?
missing   May 18th 2010 at 8:15PM
black+white: 1male 1female
three colour: female
orange+white: male

cant give individually-still nursing
farfarnicko   May 19th 2010 at 3:14AM
eee those kitties are canteekk!! =)
missing   May 19th 2010 at 12:05PM
thanks, says kitties..
but mommy cat is the most cantek.. :)
meowbabyrenee   May 19th 2010 at 5:47PM
alahai cute nyer orange+white tueee.. pattern dia chantek sgt! :)
missing   May 21st 2010 at 11:02AM
..are you interested renee..?
Rociel   May 26th 2010 at 6:55PM
Indeed, mama paling cantek~ :D Mommy cat's colouring is so unique! I'm sure all the kittens' colours came from just her tail~ hehehe!
hannananae   May 26th 2010 at 7:40PM
yeah that's the most unique part..all the kitz colors are come up from the tail and from the head..haha while the mum's body is all white! i really love to see this
missing   May 28th 2010 at 11:24AM
hmmm mommy uteh memang lawa, die pandai jaga kecantikan, sentiasa bersih, kecuali time dalam pantang mula mula dulu comot sket.. time pregnant pon, free free je she groom her fur.. anak anak uteh pon uteh groom everyday, tak penah pegi jauh, turun apartment pon untuk buat hal poo poo pee je, sangat motherly..

me akan pindah sabtu ni, tatau la nak bawak uteh ke, nak bagi kat fosterer.. sedey.. hmmm.. tapi dah ada 'abang and adik' my hands are full.. nak study lagi.. hmmm..

if possible, nak bagi adoption pada yang sayang kucing the whole family, if not, i cant let go individually just yet, at least pun another 2 more months.. :( sedey..
ryutaro   May 29th 2010 at 10:38AM
hi emy, saya sani yg call you smlm..
how should I go to your place to adopt all them?
please let me know your address..
anything, call me @ 1016

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