性别: 女
年龄: 6个月左右
地点: 雪兰莪巴生
是很亲人的猫猫,很友善也不曾攻击我,不抗拒揉揉摸摸,关于喂食我自己没有喂猫粮可是猫咪从来不挑食。猫咪和另外两只猫猫是一家的,其中一只被领养了,猫咪现在和哥哥/弟弟一起,两只猫猫自己也可以玩得很好💞 (我是希望如果领养可以两只都领养,不希望他们分开,当然这些还可以再商量,另一只猫猫的照片我也有放在相册里)
Looking for adopter and it is kind of urgent because I only can feed this cat for about 2 months, currently she is staying outdoors as I am not allow to keep her 😔
Gender: female
Age: around 6 months.
Location: Klang, Selangor
She is so lovely, gentle, and enjoy human contact❤ In fact she has a sister and brother, they are closelyyyyy bonded. Her sister is now adopted so I really hope that someone will bring her(and hopefully her brother too) home.
I will share the pics of her brother as well, please let me know if u fell in love with these babies! 💙