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   « Back To Listing Pak Abu
Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatBritish Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 6 Years 7 Months
BodyLarge Size, Short Fur
ColorGray, White
LocationShah Alam, Selangor
Posted3 Aug 2022 (Updated 26 Dec 2022)
Adoption FeeFREE
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He was a stray living under my block. I took him in because he was in a poor condition: scabbies, bad flu. Brought him to vet only to find out that he is FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) positive. It was not recommended to vaccinate him as his body isnt strong enough for it, and I'm currently monitoring his health to find the right time to finally spay him. Other than the virus, he has no other other apparent issues. But if you are interested to adopt, he must be an only cat as FeLV can be transmitted to other healthy cats. I can only foster because I already have other cats in the house. I will spay him first before sending him to you

For those who arent familiar with FeLV, it's a virus commonly found among unvaccinated strays which transmitted through faeces, open wound, saliva; just like HIV for human. And just like HIV, there's no cure for this virus. The only way is to manage the health of the infected cats to insure the cats wont caught any sort of other disease or illness otherwise it would take longer for the cats to recover, unlike normal healthy cats. FeLV isnt necessarily a death sentence for the infected cats. There are cats who lived years with FeLV, healthy and active. So I'm looking for a furever home for Pak Abu hoping that there will be someone out there who could love and care for him more than I do. He's currently being in a indefinite mandatory quarantine in small room in our home all by himself. Though he is well, I know it's lonely and I wish something better for him because after what he had to go through, he definitely deserves better.

So here are the requirements if you ever consider of adopting him;

1. RM 500 deposit which will be returned to you after one year of adoption

2. You have to update me about his wellbeing monthly for 1 whole year. 1 video and 1 photo min

3. I will take him back if you fail to update. Deposit will be returned

4. Please give him back to me if somehow you change your mind. Deposit will be returned within 1 year of adoption

5. He must be a fully indoor cat

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Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

Pak Abu - British Shorthair + Domestic Short Hair Cat

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