Rescued from condo grounds with brother and mama. Brother has been adopted and mama TNR'd.
Suitable for multi-cat households or to be a solo cat.
Has learned to 'Sit' and 'Shake Hands' for treats. (See video) Has since also learned 'Hi-5'.
Vaccinated (2 shots), dewormed and defleaed.
Super-duper manja. Likes to plonk himself onto your feet to get your attention and to get belly rubs.
A snuggle-bug and a lap-cat. Loves to be held and patted.
Likes to sit on your back to nuzzle your neck.
Enjoys watching Youtube bird and other videos (see video)
Very inquisitive, loves to check out whatever you are doing.
Very chatty and vocal esp when he's hungry!
Eats dry and wet food, prefers wet food. Hearty appetite!
Loves to play and esp loves the tower ball and teaser toys. (See video)
Litterbox trained.