Cat | Domestic Medium Hair + Domestic Long Hair |
Profile | Male, 2 Years 10 Months |
Amount | 3 Pets |
Vaccinated | No |
Dewormed | No |
Neutered | No | |  |
Condition | Healthy |
Body | Small Size, Medium Fur |
Color | Black, Cream |
Location | Kapar, Selangor |
Posted | 11 Jul 2022 |
Adoption Fee | RM 50 |
This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Affectionate, charming, and litter-trained
Menggemaskan, penyayang dan fasih buang air
Preferably adopted in pairs
Lebih baik diambil secara berpasangan
Don't separate them, it's too heartbreaking
Jangan pisahkan mereka, sungguh memilukan
"Very affectionate, cute, playful and smart with sand. Required to take all or a maximum of 2. It's a pity to separate them. Whatsapp at."
Sangat manja,comel,playful dan Pandai guna pasir Syarat ambik semua atau maximum 2 ekor...Kesian nak pisahkn
非常娇媚,可爱,爱玩且善于使用沙子 必须接受所有或最多两只......可惜要分开
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