Chloe is a stray kitten that was found in the shop area. From what was informed by the shop owner there, Chloe has been abandoned there for the past few months. She was a really sweet girl when I found her. She didn't run away but came running towards me when I called her. Rescuing her was not a plan I made beforehand. I just couldn't leave her there with her current condition. Unlike other strays there, she didn't eat when I offered kibbles & wet food. She just sat there at the corner looking far away, not sure what she was thinking about.
I took her and bring her to the vet for a checkup. She had pretty bad mange around all over her body even at the end of her tail, mild flu, intestinal parasite & fleas.
After almost 3 months of recovering, she's now a healthy & bright kitty. She loves getting attention from people. She will become a purring machine when you hold her & pet her. She has been spayed, vaccinated, dewormed & deflea. She enjoyed all kinds of snacks that I gave her, but her favorite snack is Greenies dental treats & ciao Churu creamy snacks.
Her character, I would say she's sweet, clingy & enjoy the quality time she gets to spend with human, but she's also an independent cat who is perfectly content to entertain herself with any toys you provide & plenty of naps while you are away. She's easy to get along with a friendly & calmer cat but takes some time to get along with a certain cat especially one that has a bit of feisty character & rough play type.
If you are interested in adopting Chloe, please read the Adoption Terms & Conditions first, and only if you agree with the T&C, you may fill in the Adoption Form.
Chloe Adoption Terms & Conditions: Adoption Form:
Chloe adalah seekor anak kucing liar yang ditemui di kawasan kedai. Menurut pemilik kedai, Chloe telah ditinggalkan di situ selama beberapa bulan. Ketika saya menyelamatkannya, dia sangat manja dan tidak lari ketika dipanggil. Saya tidak merancang untuk menyelamatkannya dari awal, tetapi saya tidak tahan melihat kondisinya yang sedang menderita. Berbeza dengan kucing liar yang lain di situ, Chloe tidak makan ketika saya menawarkan makanan kibbles & wet food. Dia hanya duduk di sudut sana memandang ke kejauhan tanpa diketahui sedang memikirkan apa.
Saya membawa Chloe ke klinik veterinar untuk pemeriksaan. Dia mengalami masalah kulit dan parasit di seluruh badannya termasuk hujung ekor. Selain itu dia juga mengalami selesema dan berparasit usus.
Selepas hampir 3 bulan pemulihan, sekarang dia menjadi kucing yang sihat dan cergas. Dia suka mendapat perhatian dari manusia dan akan purr apabila dipeluk dan digaru. Dia telah dijalankan prosedur penyahkat dan divaksinasi, diubati untuk cacing dan kutu. Dia suka makan semua jenis snek yang diberikan termasuk snek gigi Greenies dan snek creamy Churu ciao.
Sifatnya, dia sangat manja, suka berdekatan dan menikmati masa berkualiti bersama manusia, tetapi juga kucing yang independen dan senang menghiburkan diri sendiri dengan bermain dengan mainan atau tidur bila manusia tidak ada. Dia adalah kucing yang mudah bergaul dan sopan santun, tetapi memerlukan masa untuk bersosialisasi dengan kucing lain terutama kucing yang berperwatakan kasar.
Jika anda berminat untuk mengadopsi Chloe, sila baca terlebih dahulu Terma & Syarat Pemilihan, dan hanya jika anda bersetuju dengan T&C, anda boleh mengisi Borang Pemilihan.
Terma & Syarat Pemilihan untuk Chloe: Pemilihan Chloe: