This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Rescued Mom and 6 pups found under a lorry, mom has a nose injury
Anjing dan 6 anak ditemui di bawah lori, hidung ibu cedera
Mom will be spayed after recovery and weaning
Ibu akan disunting selepas pulih sepenuhnya
Available for adoption from 1 August 2022, message for reservation
Siap untuk diambil pada 1 Ogos 2022, hantar pesanan untuk tempahan
Mom and 6 Pup were found under a lorry at site. Discoverer brought them to my house by pet taxi. Mom's nose was injured. I will spay the Mom after fully weaning and recovery. BOD : 16 June 2022 Up for adoption : 1 August 2022 Please messenger me for reservation.