Rescued these (assumed) siblings from condo grounds at 3 months old.
They are very bonded, always staying close together or sleeping near or next to each other.
Vaccinated (first shot), dewormed, defleaed.
Bathed and nails trimmed.
Eat dry and wet food, prefers wet.
Litter-box trained.
Loves to play with each other and with toys, esp the tower ball and teaser wands.
Umi (Female, White with light brown ears and tail)
Smallest in size amongst her siblings.
Very gentle and mellow. Most laid-back of the 3.
A quiet girl but will be loud when she's hungry!
Loves to be held.
Violet (Female, Calico)
The most adventurous of the lot. Fearless and not easily fazed by new surroundings.
High energy and has a tendency to hog toys!
Quiet girl, rarely vocalizes.
Learning to enjoy cuddles.
Greyson (Male, Tabby)
Biggest of the siblings.
Very gentle and quiet, vocalizes softly when hungry
Has a quirky bent tail!
Loves to be groomed with a brush.