Rescued him at Centrepoint about 3 weeks ago. Need to give away because i have another cat and they fight a lot 😬 Not so sure about the breed and age since its a stray. Leo is very clingy 🥰
Menyelamatkannya di Centrepoint kira-kira 3 minggu yang lalu. Perlu memberikannya kerana saya ada seekor kucing lagi dan mereka selalu bergaduh 😬 Tidak begitu pasti tentang jenis dan umurnya kerana ia kucing liar. Leo sangat manja 🥰.
大约三个星期前在中央点拯救了他。需要送走,因为我还有另一只猫,它们经常打架😬 不太确定品种和年龄,因为它是流浪猫。Leo非常亲人 🥰 。