Meet Minerva (AKA Mini!)
Minerva was picked up all alone outside on the roadside. Her rescuer lives in a condo where pets are strictly prohibited, but she risked a hefty fine to take her home until a safe space could be found, negotiating 5 days of "turning a blind eye" with the management. 💪 She knew sweet Mini wouldn't do well left on the street, as with any small kittens! What's more, the rescuer gave up her only bathroom to house Mini in a safe environment where she couldn't get herself into a tricky spot (she was very small so free roam in the whole apartment could have led to an accident) and showered at work. Now that's dedication! When there is a will there is a way!
We managed to find Mini a foster where she is now settled.
Mini is a healthy, loving and playful little girl who has been very easy to care for. She is very sweet and affectionate, and loves to follow meowmy from room to room. Mini loves to play, like most kittens, but is also ok with keeping herself amused. And she loves to chat! (Although meowmy tells us her chat hasn't quote reached the mastery of her former foster, meowdel Annie! 😄 #kittenintraining)
Can you give Minerva a loving home? Get in touch!