Candy is a birthday gift from my aunt. It happen at my aunt house and she ask me to take one of her puppy's. It was so unbelieving. she's a dog lovers and she never gave her puppy's away. But im lucky. Strangely, I didn't pick my dog. The mother of the puppy's grab her and put it at the ground near my feet. And that time, I saw the mother's eyes shining. It's like she tell me " i gave you my daughter as a birthday gift take care of her". I take that puppy without question. And i thank the mother for a such beautiful puppy. And now Candy is a big girl. She sleep with me in my room. Maybe it's not enough for other's thought, and somehow i feel it that way too. But i think i have trying all my best to make her lives better and make her feels that she belongs to the family. Thats what me, my mom and my grandmother do to all of the pets not just Candy. I equally divide my love, time to share. have fun and sleeping time with them. They are the only brothers and sisters i have in my life. And i love them too much that i couldn't let them hurt from anything. God is the greatest of all!