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   « Back To Listing Chizu
Chizu - Domestic Short Hair Cat
For Adoption
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 3 Years 2 Months
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorYellow, White
LocationCyberjaya, Selangor
Posted5 May 2022 (Updated 1 Jun 2022)
Adoption FeeRM 200
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This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Chizu needs a cat companion and a loving home Spaying and vaccinations are required Chizu is playful, sociable, and healthy
  PetGPT Nibbles
IMPORTANT. Please read this.

Chizu is available for adoption to a home that has another cat. Not for solo adoption as she needs a cat companion to grow properly.

1. Chizu needs to be SPAYED as soon as it is deemed safe by vet. RM100 of the stated adoption fee is refundable when a proof of Chizu spay is provided.

2. Vaccinations need to be up-to-date. Vet visits for any illnesses are required.

3. Background: Chizu was rescued at our mum’s house as she was crying out loud in the drain. As she was very small, we tried to find if there are any other kittens or mama cat nearby but found nothing. We believed that she was dumped by somebody and separated by her other siblings. She also had a recurring diarrhoea and it was gone when she started integrating with our resident cat. This show that she can’t be isolated and must have a human and/or cat companion with her.

4. Good quality food to be given to avoid long-term medical complications.

5. To be kept free roaming indoors. Not to be caged unless for medical/quarantine purposes.

6. To care for her for the rest of her life. Never to neglect or abandon her. A normal cat's lifespan is anywhere around 12-20 years.


Okay so far? Now I'm going to tell you why Chizu would be a perfect addition to your cat family!

1. Chizu is a female ginger, which only 30% of ginger cats are female! So she’s very special 🥰
2. She’s playful, clingy with both humans and cats, super sociable and integrates well with another cats. She’s also a lap cat. She will sleep on your lap or your chest when she has the chance.
3. She is:
✅️ healthy
✅️ 2nd vaccination completed
✅️ dewormed
✅️ deloused
✅️ litter-trained
✅ FIV/FELV negative

So if you are already falling in love with Chizu, I'd love to hear from you. To get to know you better, please answer these questions when you send me a message through Whatsapp. The more I know you, the easier it is for me to make a decision for adoption.

Follow @straytoslay on Instagram for daily pictures/videos of Chizu!


Adoption questionnaire

1. Please state your

2. Are you a Malaysian or a permanent resident in Malaysia?

3. Will you spay Chizu as soon as it is safe to do so?

4. Please tell me more about yourself, what you do, people who live with you and why you'd like to adopt Chizu?

5. Any experience in caring for cats? Please elaborate.

6. What would you do with Chizu is you have to be away from home for a holiday/work?

7. Are you willing to share her picture every 4 months with me after adoption?

8. Do you have any questions for me?

Thank you.
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Her first day at our house!
Her first day at our house!

Chizu - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Chizu - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Chizu - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Chizu - Domestic Short Hair Cat

When she was first found
When she was first found

You’re home!!
You’re home!!

Her fave toy
Her fave toy

Playful Chizu 🥰

Chizu dozing off 😴

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