dung dung is my very good boy, but sadly he died when i was at my hostel. my sister said that she rushed him to veterans but i was too late because the virus was so strong. my dung dung was humble, he like to be pets so much and he likes to eats a lot especially wet food. he even traveled with me the past 3 months 🥺 i wish pets have a soul so i can meet them in heaven, i miss my dungdung so bad. dungdung was the last one who died due to the virus🥺
so about temtem, he was a very active boy and he's the oldest. he's black 😆❤️ apparently these three cats are siblings. temtem like to eat a lot , he like to play with his brothers, he even like to be petting when im busy doing my homework , i promise he's a good boy 🥺
my petpet, he's literally plain white cat 😆 his eyes a so cute and he's my favourite too 🥺 he likes to play with temtem a lot but when temtem left him (temtem died due to the virus) petpet don't eat a lot as usual. he always sleep in his mini couch. a week later, petpet died because the virus spread from temtem.