🐱 There are 2 siblings who are cats. Their mother is a stray cat.
🐱 I had to let them go because I didn't have enough money, energy and time to take care of them.
🐱 Another reason is that I already have 9 cats in my house, so I cannot take care of them all, and one of my family members cannot tolerate having too many cats around.
🐱 Bidat and Chang are both cute, but Bidat is a bit aggressive because he didn't receive much love from his mother, maybe.
🐱 You can come and pick them up, or I can send them to you (within Kuching-Samarahan area).
🐱 Please adopt these two because I feel sorry for them if they are hungry or suffer in any other way.
🐱 2ekor ni adik beradik. mak dia stray cat.
🐱 terpaksa let go disebabkan kekengan wang, tenaga dan masa untuk jaga
🐱 another reason is rumah saya ada 9cats so tak mampu jaga semua plus one of my family members tak tahan lagi sebab banyak sangat kucing
🐱 bidat and chang ni dua2 comel cuma si bidat tu garang sikit sebab kurang kasih sayang dari mak kot kot🤣
🐱 boleh ambil sendiri atau saya hantar (kuching-samarahan area)
🐱 tolong saya adopt these two sebab kesian tengok diorang if kelaparan or else
🐱 有2只迷路的小猫,它们是兄弟姐妹,它们的母亲是一只流浪猫。
🐱 我不得不让它们离开,因为我没有足够的资金、精力和时间来照顾它们。
🐱 另一个原因是我家里已经有9只猫了,所以我无法照顾所有的猫,再加上我的一个家庭成员已经无法忍受因为猫太多了。
🐱 Bidat和Chang都很可爱,只是Bidat有点凶,可能是因为它没有得到母亲的关爱。
🐱 您可以自己来接它们,或者我可以把它们送过去(位于Kuching-Samarahan地区)。
🐱 请收养这两只小猫,因为如果它们挨饿或者有其他问题的话,我会很难过。