This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Lively dog who loves people, but can be easily spooked
Anjing bertenaga suka bergaul, tetapi cepat terkejut
Your new best friend - Phoebe the female dog is looking for a ride to her furever home
Kawan baru anda - Phoebe si anjing betina sedang mencari tempat tinggal untuk selamanya
你新的最好的朋友 - 雅芙是一只正在寻找永远的家的雌狗
Looking for a home to settle in before my human leaves for college
Mencari rumah tetap sebelum manusia saya berangkat ke universiti
Phoebe is a lively dog who gets along with people well. She is curious but easily frightened. Looking for a lasting home as I'm heading to college soon.
Phoebe ialah seekor anjing yang aktif dan mudah bergaul dengan manusia. Dia sangat ingin tahu tetapi mudah terkejut. Sedang mencari rumah yang kekal kerana saya akan ke universiti tidak lama lagi.