Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise was found in a housing area. When we found them, they were weak, skinny and afraid. The first thing we did was provided a shelter, food and love. We then brought them to the vet as their bodies were wrapped with lice and they looked uncomfortable. The vet provided the medication needed and we religiously care for them until they recover fully. We dewormed them and often brought them to the vet for checkups. They are healthy and are in great condition. We are unfortunately unable to provide them the love and warmth they deserve because our cats doesn’t get along with them. Their personalities are as great as it gets. Brad Pitt lives up to his name as he is a party animal, he enjoys playing a lot. Tom is just as timid and expressive as his predecessor (the real Tom Cruise). He loves to be given full attention and is very manja.
If you think you are able to provide the need, shelter and (most importantly) love for this Hollywood brothers, feel free to message me.
Brad Pitt dan Tom Cruise ditemui di kawasan perumahan. Ketika kami menemui mereka, mereka lemah, kurus dan takut. Yang pertama kami lakukan adalah menyediakan tempat perlindungan, makanan dan kasih sayang untuk mereka. Kami kemudian membawa mereka ke vet kerana badan mereka diliputi dengan kutu dan mereka kelihatan tidak selesa. Vet memberikan ubat yang diperlukan dan kami merawat mereka dengan penuh kepercayaan sehingga mereka sembuh sepenuhnya. Kami memberi mereka dadah cacing dan sering membawa mereka ke vet untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan. Mereka sihat dan dalam keadaan baik. Malangnya, kami tidak dapat memberi mereka kasih sayang dan kehangatan yang mereka layak kerana kucing kami tidak selesa dengan kehadiran mereka. Personaliti mereka hebat. Brad Pitt mempunyai nama yang hebat kerana dia suka berparti dan suka bermain. Tom sama-sama pemalu dan expressive seperti penggantinya (Tom Cruise yang sebenar). Dia sukakan perhatian penuh dan sangat manja.
Jika anda merasa mampu memberikan keperluan, perlindungan dan (terutamanya) kasih sayang kepada adik-beradik Hollywood ini, sila beri mesej kepada saya.