These dog is actualy stray lives at pj area nearby my friends house who is actualy kind Malay lady feeding this dog, but her place are mostly Malay community dislike the dog present and had lodge complain to the council and also disturbing my freind not to feed the dog, the people also throw rocks and rubbish whenever the dog seen nearby and provoke it so that she will bark and have attack gesture and trying to take video and send to the council, the feeder is not in peace right now as she already try cal many shelter to help the dog but unfortunately no one is willing to help her, the dog now is in fobia and scared the feeder has to go at 2am in the morning to feed the dog so nobody see her, we need to save this dog from cruelty to take place, just recently this dog siblings has been shot sedative with her puppy as well by the mean people thankgod one person from shelter has taken the mum and the puppy and left the other 2 siblings actualy one is black the other is brown, we need help if anybody can adopt this poor dog to save her from being caught, we also willing to pay for her vet visit, vaccine and neuter also food donation, i humbly request any kind good soul to adopt please give them second chance to live before anything happen, i cant adopt asvi have many cats under my care at home and my freind family cant adopt as she said her Muslim family wont allow can only feed the dog