This ticked tabby had an ear infection when he was found, hence the name. 🤭
He was sick for months, and we took him indoor so that he could recover quicker and so that we could neuter him.
When the time came, he did not want to leave the fosterer’s place. Time flies, it has now been half a year since Ear Ear has been coming in and out of the fosterer’s place as he pleases 😂
It is quite dangerous for him to do so, with the traffic outside and whatnot… Therefore, we hope to find a new home for Ear Ear.
He is quite a character, imo. The most lovable and special cat I’ve met. He walks like a drunkard, plays with freeze-dried food before eating it, and he can speak Cantonese (or more specifically, the word “sohai” which means idiot) 🙈😳😳
He used to play aggressively and bite when excited. Now the habit has reduced after he is neutered. We encourage gentle play and soft tone when speaking to him 💙 I believe he will be a good boi if you treat him nicely.