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   « Back To Listing Mama Kin (Urgent!)
Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 1 Year
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted21 Apr 2010 (Updated 2 May 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
Profile Ringkas:

Name: Mama Kin

Age: Adult cat.Probably 1 year and half.

Condition: Healthy and Pregnant (Probably will deliver in early May). Believed that this is not the first time she is pregnant.

Characteristics: Adorable. Soft. Very affectionate dan sangat manja. Likes to purr a lot. Likes to roll her self on the floor:) Sangat comel bila dia golek-golekkan badan dia atas lantai;) Likes to clean herself frequently. Even with a bulging stomach, she is still a playful mama and like to play:)

Why she needs to be adopted asap:
Cause the Cat Catcher of my hostel block has started their cat cat catching operation and they may take Mama Kin away to unknown-unsafe place..worse, according to the Cat Catcher,the cats that they have captured will be taken to the zoo negara.

Mama Kin's story:

Mama Kin is a stray cat that came to my hostel block about two months ago, out of nowhere, right after Mega and her kids have left us. When we started to approach Mama Kin, we noticed that she is an adult cat and she is also pregnant. Without any bias or judgment, yet with with warm hearts, we welcome her to our lives and to this hostel block. Kami namakan dia Mama Kin sebab kaki dia ada 'white spots' that make her looks as if dia pakai stokin;)

She is a pretty, adorable and cute pregnant mummy cat. She has been a very good and affectionate cat too. Dia sangat manja. She likes to purr a lot every time I play with her, caress her head, stroke her fur and give her some food. Despite the fact that we love having her around, we know that "some people" don't like it. Dan "some people" yang dimaksudkan di sini ialah "the hostel management people". Just like other cases of cats in this hostel block, we do fear that Mama Kin will be taken away by the Cat Catcher assigned by the hostel management sooner or later. Kalau kucing-kucing ini diambil dan dibawa ke tempat seperti SPCA ke, saya tak kisah. But the Cat Catcher once told me that the cats that he has captured will be brought to zoo negara or somewhere unknown. I totally don't want these cats to be taken to zoo negara or anywhere else that's not safe. Therefore, me and my friends realize that one day we need to find Mama Kin a new owner and release her from this "cat hater" place. So, we at first plan to give her away for adoption after she has given birth.

Unfortunately, the day that we fear has come. This morning, the Cat Catcher came to my hostel and he and the team searched high and low for any cats, just any cats whether it's the one that has been neutered or not. However, thank God, Alhamdulillah and I'm so grateful that some of my friends who are also cat lovers managed to act quickly and managed to save and hide other cats in some rooms and Mama Kin is now hiding in my room. And this is not the end. They will come again soon cause they know, the cats that they are searching for are not captured today.

With all this panic moment and in such dangerous state, I think I can't wait until Mama Kin has delivered. I can't wait after her delivery. It's going to take longer time and her life is 'at stake' now, if I may put it that way. So, I'm putting up Mama Kin's profile in here, so that anybody who's a true cat lover, kind-hearted, considerate and caring out there could have the heart to adopt her. Please...

Yes, she is pregnant. And the person who would love to adopt her must be the one who is prepared and ready for new comers. If that person doesn't plan to have them all, perhaps you could be patient for awhile and later, you could give them away for adoption once the kittens are big enough.

I'm searching for someone who really really appreciates cats whether they are adults or kittens. Why I say this is because, when I 'advertise' Mega and her kitten not long ago,I found out some people like to have the kittens yet abandon the mother. There was this one couple who intended to adopt Mega and one of her kittens. Tapi this couple told me that they live in an apartment. So what they plan to do is to keep the kitten but put Mega downstairs with other stray cats. Kalau macam tu, apa guna saya iklankan untuk Mega di'adopt'. Baik saya 'buang' saja Mega ke zoo negara seperti yang dilakukan oleh Cat Catcher di hostel block saya ni.

So, basically, all I'm asking and hoping for is to have a cat lover who is responsible and caring to take good care of the pregnant and adorable Mama Kin which deserves to feel loved and be happy in a safer place, as soon as possible. That's all. Please...

Thank you=)
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Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mama Kin (Urgent!) - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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Share your comments here4 Comments
amirsarif   Apr 21st 2010 at 2:32PM
babe,hopefully ull find the new own asap.wish i cud help u..but already too much cat at home..waaaa how can i help u?
FaraSyuhada   Apr 21st 2010 at 3:40PM
There's one lady who would like to foster Mama Kin temporary..She said something about once Mama Kin has delivered, dia tak dapat nak jaga semua Mama Kin and anak2 die cause it's costly. Ni, tgh tunggu die reply my msg and nak try negotiate betul2. But tak confirm lg.

Oh thanx for the kata-kata semangat, bro;) It's okay..faham bile dah ade 'ramai' di rumah. Probably you could help out by spreading the words about Mama Kin and her condition. Would appreciate that very much!=)
hannananae   Apr 21st 2010 at 8:19PM
i wish i could have a bigger house to adopt more pets..huhu..goodluck in finding mama kin a new better home. u r doing such a noble deed as an animal lover..hwaiting! ^^
FaraSyuhada   Apr 22nd 2010 at 5:30PM
hi hannananae!=) oh don't all of us would like to have a bigger house, a bigger space, more money and more time..just for us to save and give our love to all the animals that need our help=) huhu..tapi tulah..semua tu susah nak dpt. tapi xpe, semoge Tuhan menolong dan memudahkan kita semua dengan cara lain=) And thank you so much for the wish for Mama Kin=)

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