Nicky is a 10 weeks old local mixed, currently weighs at 4.5kg and this will go up to around 12kg when full grown. His mom is a beautiful mongrel (black & white color) and his dad is unknown.
Nicky has a brother name Jimmy who had been adopted recently. Both of them have most of the good values you can find in a dog. Nicky likes to follow his human owner to anywhere you go, particularly when you go to kitchen. LoL
He can be a good Watch Dog as he does bark to alert us when there's a stranger.
Nicky is currently under minor skin problem treatment. Little fungal spots found as previously his living condition was bad. However, he's now recovering and becoming more and more handsome.
We do give him a capsule of Blackmores Triple Strength fish oil daily.
I will sponsor RM200 or will come to bring him to Vets Clinic (this option shall only apply to adopter live in Klang Valley) for neutering operation.
On top of that, I will also subsidize RM100 monthly to the successful adopter for 3 months. The first payment to be made on the subsequent month of adoption.
The requirements are simple - to LOVE and CARE for Nicky, forward the photo of Nicky's life moments over either fortnightly or monthly if not weekly.
Please WhatsApp to enquire if you think yourself can be a loving and responsible pet owner.
Thank you.