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Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 15 Years 2 Months
Amount4 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted16 Apr 2010 (Updated 24 Apr 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
A friend of mine found this single mother and 3 kittens dumped in a box by the road. Someone had abandoned the mum. My friend didn't have the space to foster them. She asked for my help to foster them for 2 weeks but so far she has been unsuccessful in finding another foster or person to adopt. I agreed on 2 wks, because I know that in 2 weeks I will be outstation. I myself already have 2 adult cats who know my routine; I work long hours with no one else at home to help. My friend is running out of options and if we give the mother and kittens up now, these kittens will most probably be put to sleep. They are only 1.5 mths old, but they are already potty trained and in their playful development stage. After playtime, they still need mama's milk to sleep. Mama is very easy to hold, handle and very gentle, patient n quiet. They deserve to have a chance to live life in a safe place with plenty of love and company. If any fosterer can take over, or if anyone can take them in till they are adopted, please let me know soon because the 2 weeks are almost up and I have to go outstation on 23 April 2010.
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Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat


Tired out after wrestling
Tired out after wrestling

Mechanical mouse no fun :(
Mechanical mouse no fun :(

Female. Looks demure but she is an aggressive bundle of energy
Female. Looks demure but she is an aggressive bundle of energy

Daily wrestling sessions
Daily wrestling sessions

They prefer the shredded chicken to fish flavours
They prefer the shredded chicken to fish flavours

The only male. But he doesn't pick the fights. But when he's mad, he can really whack.
The only male. But he doesn't pick the fights. But when he's mad, he can really whack.

This one looks like mum
This one looks like mum

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

2 in a box
2 in a box

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Show All Photos »
Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Clever kitty... Self potty trained
Clever kitty... Self potty trained

3 kittens walk into a bar...
3 kittens walk into a bar...

Mum & 3 Kittens Urgently Need Home - Domestic Short Hair Cat

The 3 amigos
The 3 amigos

Page: 1 2 3    42 Comments
PakLubis   Apr 22nd 2010 at 1:24PM
Kalau kita duduk rumah dgn secara sharing atau asrama dan ada antara housemate tak suka kucing baik tak usah bela kucing..nnti susah jadinya dan kita bermasam muka antara satu dgn lain. Kalau nak bela juga duduk sorang2.

Walaupun dia ditempat dalam cage bau yg dianggap semerbak oleh pencinta kucing (termasuk bau najis) adalah terlalu busuk kepada yg benci kucing.. Tetapi kesian le kalau dia sentiasa dikurung.
Contohnya macam saya ..Housemate (isteri) saya juga salah seorang yg tak suka kucing. Itulah akhirnya saya guna tanah kosong milik ibu saudara dibelakang rumah bapa saya untuk memelihara anak kucing terbiar dan seterusnya tawarkan untuk adopt.

Malahan org mungkin tak akan percaya saya sendiri tidak ada kucing special pet. Kucing yg dtang dan beranak semuanya kucing jalan2 cari makan dan singgah utk makan dan beranak .

Oleh kerana anak2 kucing semua dah diadopt tulah sbbnya saya tawarkan diri utk menjaga ibu dan anak kucing 'WorkingLady' selama sebulan dan seterus untuk adoption..

Jadi Fatihah harus faham yg kakak dan abg serta pak cik disini hanya beri pandangan dan nasihat. Tiada sebarang niat pun kecuali niat baik. Tetapi kalau nak bela juga, itu hak Fatiha dan tidak sorang boleh menafikan. Bela lah .. Kalau duduk kat Bandar Baru Bangi cari pasar2 atau kedai2 mamak, kalau duduk di Serdang, cari kat Pasar Borong Selangor dan kedai mamak. Insyaallah akan jumpa ank2 kucing comel.. Nasib baik dapat yg ada jenama punya..
Jade   Apr 22nd 2010 at 1:56PM
Since you are kind heart working lady , you shall have sufficient money to spay the mother cat so that in future she will not be thrown out of her home whenever she get pregnant. So please working lady spay/kembiri the female cat. Many thanks
fatihah   Apr 22nd 2010 at 2:16PM
thanks for all comments..
i'm taking all comments the positive way
but its ok..
i'm just desperate to get kittens
the reason why i want a pair because its better than 1 kitten alone..
i want kittens because the kitty will be closer to me than i adopt the adult cat..ok?
anyway,i'll stop searching for kitties at this website..
will find other place whre i can adopt kitties EASILY..tq again..
nurazuawawa   Apr 22nd 2010 at 2:24PM
wah..bestla bile byk pendapat yg leh dkongsi bersama3 kn..fatihah..jg meow baik3 ook..sorry lmbt response kt awk..maaf..
fatihah   Apr 22nd 2010 at 3:20PM
i x adopt pn
mayb i'll juts kutip mane2 kitties yg available dkt kdai mkn ke mane2 nnt
PakLubis   Apr 22nd 2010 at 8:39PM
Many people have kind heart but not many kind hearted people have money to neuter/spay the cat further more it is somebody's cat not hers. Although the cost may be considered nothing to those who have money but to those who dont have..?

Therefore kind hearted people doesn't mean that they have money . In my opinion there is no relationship at all.
LouiLoui   Apr 23rd 2010 at 12:53AM
Thanx Fareen, Kak June, Pak Lubis and all. You guys speak my mind.

>>Fatilah, we are not against you . Pls be mature and open to other suggestions. After all, we are only in a discussion here. Curious why are you DESPERATE to adopt kitties? Dun mind share with us...

BTW, I saw your post that said you had an adopted puppy. (Dog for adoption posted on 22/4/10 by Eileen08 for a dog named Tiger) Are your puppy cat friendly? I tot that your housemate only allow you to have 2 pets?? If you adopt another 2 kitties, total will be 3 pets. OK ke with your housemate?
PakLubis   Apr 23rd 2010 at 1:53AM
Fatiha ..
Memang benar adalah lebih baik adopt kucing 2 ekor sekali dgn syarat Fatiha tidak ada kucing lain dirumah kerana kucing2 ini boleh bermain antara satu dgn lain. Tak delah dia kesunyian...

Tetapi spt kata angelsoo mengapa desperate sgt nak adopt...? Lagi lmbt lagi baik kerana Fatiha boleh tunggu dan lihat.. Mana tau ada org nak lepas kan DLH... atau kucing yg ada 'star'.
Selalunya org desperate nak lepaskan kucing kerana sbb tertentu.. Spt nak pindah atau ada anak kecil baru lahr alah pada kucing.

Kenapa desperate sgt ini..? Cuba cite... Kalau Fatìha boleh yakin kan saya hari sabtu saya bg anak kucing tuh..
fatihah   Apr 23rd 2010 at 10:35AM
angelsoo : sorry if u thought that i'm not taking ur comments in positive way..
btw,i'm desperate to have kitten with me because i've just lost somebody last month(he's dead)
so,the only way i can overcome my sadness is thru pets..
that's all...
but it seems to have many problems here..i'm getting sadder..
sorry guys

btw,what i meant by adopted puppy was my puppy was adopted by other people...
maybe u can take a look at my profile...regarding my puppies n dogs... tq.. ;)
and all my dogs n puppies are cat friendly..they sleep together...(in my hometown)

in my current house(i'm not living with my family),i dont have any pets...the only reason for me to get a new kitty ASAP is stated above..

nani   Apr 23rd 2010 at 1:36PM
salam.. n hi.. hurmmm btul la kate pak lubis.. nak cari kawan baik ni, kita kene cari btul2 yang kita serasi n btul2 suke... hurm... arnab saya pon saya da mula memberi org.
Pak lubis.. mak angkat kucing yang saya bg tu, rabbit yang warna coklat tu da mati.. sdey sangat2.... skarang rabbit pn da berkurang... skarang ni nk kurangkan rabit2 yang ada... sbb mak ayah da bising... tgl 4 ekor je..

jangan sdey2... sume org just nk bg taw pendapat.. n sometime benda tu kita kene trima pakai.. mula2 ok la kalau nak jaga.. but lama2 nanti takut org x suke ke ape.. macam dlu pon saya ada kutip anak kucing n ingat nk bela.. baru brp jam bersama da kene marah da.. n sbb keadaan x yang mengizinkan... so last2 minx tolong pak lubis jaga dia... kucing2 pak lubis yang besar ke kecik sume comel.. n soo hyper jumper.. hehehe...
fatihah   Apr 23rd 2010 at 4:20PM
nani : sy br ilang someone yg sgt rapat dgn sy
thats y sy mmg nk sgt crk kitties...hope ade sombdy yg rela nk bg sy adopt kucing dorg..
ashkarma   Apr 23rd 2010 at 6:38PM
fatihah : owh... beginilah dik-
my calico cat tgh pregnant **tunggu masa ja nk deliver :)
kalo u ble sabar tunggu 3/4 bln lagi + i'll give m/f kitten 2 u tulus ikhlas...
dlm masa yg sama u akan blajar byk drp abg2/kakak2 kat sini-
trust me...insyaAllah.
PakLubis   Apr 23rd 2010 at 10:08PM
tima kasih nani ..kerana masih ingat kan saya...
LouiLoui   Apr 23rd 2010 at 11:37PM
OIC Fatihah. Sorry to hear bout your lost. May God bless you and give you strength. Dun be too sad ya! Cheers!

Nani >> You make a good point there.

Fatihah>> Ashkarma has a fantastic proposition to be consider. If you can wait, maybe you can take up his/her offer.

I hope all well ends well. All the best!
workinglady   Apr 24th 2010 at 2:26AM
wow. i didnt expect so much discussion to come out from this post. again i am so sincerely grateful that there are people like all of us here who care to make another animal's life better and to give it a home. i have kept my agreement with pak lubis who was the first to come forward to help. i was asked to foster the mother n kittens for 2 wks but the person who asked my help could not find any takers. She almost wanted to take them to the SPCA as a last option but I said no, we wait and give them a chance, even though it means i had to foster another week. and it's not easy when you're working long hours with no one else at home. but the mum n kittens in their most vulnerable stage at least had a safe place to sleep. toys to play with and lots of affection and not to mention all the makan i gave them. 3 wks with them and i miss them already, but they have a better and bigger place now, to develop as cats should, they need sun, and grass and things to stalk and run after.
the 3 kittens slept in the carrier with a watchful mother today as i sent them to meet pak lubis. such an easy to handle family. each kitten has a different personality.

i'm grateful for the interest shown by so many. Given the young age of the kittens, I feel its best to let them attain the age of 3 months before they can be considered for adoption. It was a ' Take all or take none' situation.

of course, the mother is still nursing and the kittens are still young so it's not a good time to neuter. definitely support neutering/ spaying no matter what the cost. but it's not the right time. i think the future owners should consider neutering when the time is right.

Pak Lubis is now the 'legal'fosterer - and if in a month's time anyone is still interested in adopting the kittens or even the mother (she needs fattening), it is now up to Pak Lubis to consider. Thank you to all of you, thanks Pak Lubis. I hope the new family is settling in well with you there. I do miss them.
Since they are with Pak Lubis now...what do I do with this post? Deactivate?
PakLubis   Apr 24th 2010 at 3:42AM
What a smooth transaction in handing the family to me but i can see tears in your beautiful eyes. Thank you for trusting me.
As i have promised i wilk take good care of the family up to my level best.

Right now they are still in cage. The kitten are sleeping, may be still tired due the journey. When i put in the cage the mum immediately ate the dry food which i put in the tray and have also drank water. She is now trying to adjust to the new place.

I dare not open the cage yet. Quite a fierce mum coz she was angry with another cat nearing her cage. She is ok with me and i think she has accepted me to be with his family.

Leave this post as it is.. May be you can change it back from 'adopted ' to 'for adoption' in a month time.

fatihah   Apr 24th 2010 at 8:57AM
ashkarma : thanks for ur offer....i'll accept yours..i'll wait...lots of thanks!

angrlsoo : thanks.....i'm still "berkabung" now..its hard to accept that u hv lost somebody..
btw i'll take ashkarma's offer...thank for everything.. ;)
nani   Apr 24th 2010 at 11:43AM
sy masih igtkan pak lubis.. dont wory... terima kasih sangat2 sebab jagakan arnab n kucing tu dlu... skarang ni saya tgh sangat sibuk stdy.. web ni pon da lama sangat x bukak...

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