Meet Ashley Wilkes. This charismatic young boy could play for hours. He has an outgoing personality and loves toys. Already well litter trained and is also dewormed and deflead.
Ashley is one of 5 kittens. His mom was highly pregnant when mom was rescued of the streets.
Ashley his siblings are also ready to find a forever home. It would be great if Ashley cloud have a brother or sister ( his sister Olivia loves him) Or maybe his mom Scarlett!
If you're interested in Ashley or in one of the other siblings or maybe mom Scarlett, please send me a Whatsapp messages.
Black and with kitten is Rhett Butler
Tabby with red kitten is Vivien Leigh
White,red and black kitten is Olivia the Havilland (Female)
Tabby and black with medium hair length is Clarke Gable (Male)adopted
White with grey is Scarlett O'Hara the mom ( female spayed) still available