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   « Back To Listing Bean
Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair
ProfileMale, 8 Years
BodyLarge Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationAmpang, Selangor
Posted25 Dec 2021 (Updated 31 Dec 2021)
Adoption FeeRM 10
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Bean is a male domestic shorthair feline who found his way to my home with an injured leg. We rescued him and helped nurse him back to good health! He is now healthier, fatter and cuter than before but is unable to roam around freely :(

Why is bean up for adoption?
He does not do well with my other cats and has to be kept in the kitchen when the rest are around.

We let him out to roam freely when our cats are asleep in the room or are outside playing but we feel bad as we feel that he can live a better life than this

Vaccinated, dewormed, neutered, litter trained

Playful and a teeny bit feisty, looooves attention and cuddles, solo cat (though we’ve never tried to pair him with a kitten before), has marble puss in boots eyes that can melt your anger away

Why the RM10 fee?
He has been with us for close to 7 months now and we have grown to love and care for him as family. We want to know you’re SERIOUS if you’re thinking of adopting him! But once we get to know you, we might let him go without any fees so please feel free to talk to us ❤️

Bean would go best with a calm family with preferably no little kids and no other cats around. He likes to play outside and roll in the grass too so a landed house would also be best for him! However, these are just our preferences for him ❤️

Please help us adopt him and give him the home that he deserves. We love him but are unable to care for both him and our cats equally as he likes to fight and chase my cats away :(

What will we provide?
An essential starter kit for new cat parents! Litter sand, litter box, food, toys and more. We will most probably be able to send him over too if you are within the 15km radius

Rules of adoption:
1. Strictly no caging!!
2. Adopter is financially stable and able to take him to the vet whenever needed
3. Adopter will love and care for him like family!!
4. Daily WhatsApp updates until he has settled in nicely
5. Bean is able to roam around freely for a certain amount of time everyday
6. Bean is provided with a good diet meal (wet food and kibbles)
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What do u think bout mah selfie 😽

Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

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Adopt me 😻

Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Bean - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

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