Waffle was rescued along with his 2 siblings after the mother was found dead at the road side.
He was very fragile when he was little. I am grateful that he made it, but also sad that his sibling, Maple died a week after I rescued them.
He is very affectionate, especially to his little sister Pepper. He likes to play, but not as active as Pepper. He loves to knead and he does not care where. He likes to cuddle on you or at least nearby me. He likes to sleep on the
top of my head when I am sleeping and start kneading my head and my face. That is why i need to keep his nails short.
On 16 Feb 2011, Waffle vomited and found him unable to stand or walk. Admitted for urinary retention due to urinary caliculi. On 19th, released and was able to pee by himself again.
On 2nd March, he refused to eat and not peeing anymore.He also shied away from me,which is very unusual for him.On 3rd March took him to the vet where he was immediately re-admitted.
Only after 5 minutes I left the vet, I received a call from the attending vet that Waffle is no longer in this world.He had passed away even before they can proceed with the procedure.
Waffle was buried along with Ku_kie and Bella.
RIP Waffle. Thank you for being a marvellous companion. I just wish that I could give a much better life for you,at least as much as you had given me.