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   « Back To Listing Stout Babies
Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 3 Years 5 Months
Amount3 Pets
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationKajang, Selangor
Posted14 Dec 2021 (Updated 9 Mar 2022)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Mama Avery first showed at my apartment carpark in end Sep 2021, very heavily pregnant but otherwise healthy. On 5Oct2021, she rocked up for her feed with a valley deep wound on her back. Fearing it would fester, I made the decision to trap her to get her the necessary medical attention. The trapping on 8Oct2021 was a success but the medical bit, not so much. A heavily pregnant feral mama is a like the perfect storm – she was deemed too feral to treat and was asked to be brought back ASAP before she gave birth. So, Mama Avery moved in with me on 9Oct2021. She got free room and board, and I have to handle a feral mama. A fair deal in the feline world, it seems.

Mama Avery became my foster daughter and on 25Oct2021, my foster grandchildren were born:
1. Anchorage – A tuxedo girl with the most bushy whiskers. She is grandchild #1 and so she is anchorage, she anchors the team. She demands attention and will give not so gentle reminders when I get distracted by her siblings
2. Abraxas – An onyx boy and he is grandchild #234. He has classic tabby brown swirl marks against his shiny black coat, and after each meal, he looks like he has hoops marking the belly bulge. Loves physical contact and one who will fall asleep next to you, sometimes on you
3. Aloha Friday – An onyx girl and she is grandchild #234. She is a pro at teaser toy leaps, and will be the first to check out the resident cats when they visit. Fearless and loving sums her up
4. Alvarado – An onyx boy and he is grandchild #234. He is the biggest of the quartet and he needs a name with the most syllables. The most independent of the lot, sometimes a lone ranger but is not afraid to mess with his siblings

The grandchildren are named after stouts beers. They will be 8 weeks old come 20Dec2021. They are fully socialised, defleaed, had their first dewormer on 9Dec2021 and will be getting their first vax on 23Dec2021. Post their first vax, Anchorage and Aloha Friday will be available for paired adoption while Alvarado can adopted to a family with other cats.

There is no adoption fee for these kittens but potential adopters need to, amongst other things, commit to see through the next two boosters and neuter/spay the kittens when they are old enough.**

If you wish to give them a loving home and you are in Selangor/KL, please do inquire - Chew .

** Mama Avery is FIV+/FeLV- and the stout babies should likewise be tested once they are at least 5-6 months of age. Their FIV status is not a sure thing. Even if they are FIV+, they can live a long and healthy life and with other non FIV cats. Please refer this post by the Allergic Rescuers KL for more details on FIV https://bit.ly/3dJmj9A
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Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stout Babies - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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