Hi everyone, up for adoption is this sweet little kitten with light sky blue eyes. She's a small-sized whitish-chocolate coloured cat at seven months old, but very healthy.
Has a slight limp due to an accident when she was younger, but has been given the OK by the vet. Still super active as she loves cat toys and cat scratching boards, the limp doesn't slow her down at all!
She's very manja and affectionate, demands head rubs and boops her nose with yours if you don't pet her enough. Especially loves being scratched under the chin and above her tail. Doesn't really like heights.
Adoption is FREE, but comes with the usual conditions that you MUST agree and adhere to:
1) Indoor only
2) Neuter (2kg)
3) Deworm and deflea regularly + bring to vet when necessary
4) No coloured/too salty kibbles
5) Regular photo/video updates in the first month, then once in a while until the cat is spayed
Please remember that taking care of a cat's wellbeing will cost a lot of money, and you must have the finances to be able to do so.