coco is adopted by my family together with her 5 kittens (4 left). she is so gentle,calm and polite. hihi daddy loves to cuddle and patting her. her babies are always giving her headache because of being so naughty and they love to turn the house upside down. haha but coco is such a good and lovable mum. her hobby is sneaking out of the house through the window and get back home without anyone realize. haha
huuh la uno ngan tigger same kaler muke pun ske men tgn kaki sume la...pantang nampak bnde gerak nak kejar je...mummy koko tu kalu ngan leo mesti anak die lagi cute kan...
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke gomol2 men cam bdk2 tu da besar jek..*sigh*
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke g… show more
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke g… show more
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke g… show more
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke g… show more
hihi..tu la..skrg nih, koko n carrot da stat dating..haha my dad is planning nk wat wedding reception. kah3 leo dah ad anak ngn female persian. 2 ekor jek tp sgt cantik but kena tggl ngan family len, sbb leo treat them like a ball. suke g… show more
hihi all of us adore them so much! aah cian lak uno takde brape bulan ye? my kittens skng dlm 6 weeks baru..hmmm if i found a kitten, i give u a contact k?
ooo..meaning uno lagi besa dr anak2 i la..hihikk tomeii je bygkan uno jalan pun huyung hayang..^^ oh ye, area putrajaya ada sorg nak bagi kittens dy for adoption..see them via her fb irmawaty ahmad..