Hi. Buka untuk adoption segeraš©
Kucing ni tinggal di belakang office saya. Mak dia dah taknak kat diaorang.So sesiapa yg baik hati untuk menjaga diorang boleh pm no dibawah.Diaorang kesejukan sekarang ni musim hujan harap ada sesiapa yg sudi jaga diorang. Terima kasih byk byk
Gender: Hitam tu jantan yg lagi satu tu tak sure sebab dia suka lari tak dapat nak scan
Hi. Open for immediate adoptionš©
This cat lives behind my office. Their mom, doesn't want to take care of them anymore. So anyone who is kind enough to take care of them can pm me below. This rainy season so they have been cold, I hope there is someone who is willing to take care of them. Thank you
Age: 4 Months
Gender: The other black male is not sure because he likes to run and can't scan