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   « Back To Listing Oliver “the Oreo”
Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 5 Years 5 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted3 Oct 2021 (Updated 17 Oct 2021)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Everyone, meet Oliver "the Oreo". Oliver is the cutest, most loving, and most manja furball in the world. He has the biggest heart — and all he wants is a forever family with hoomans who will love him back and not abandon him.

His backstory is a little sad. In October 2020, exactly 1 year ago, Darius (who I am posting on behalf of) found a small cat abandoned on the highway near Mont' Kiara with a broken leg (front left) among other injuries. Darius named the cat "Oliver" and brought him to the vet.

Oliver underwent surgery, and a titanium plate was installed in the broken leg. Soon after, Darius found a couple to adopt Oliver and they have been looking after him well. His broken leg healed up nicely, and he is as good as new.

Let's fast forward to now. After almost one year, the couple contacted Darius last week with regretful news — they cannot look after Oliver any longer, and wish to give him up for adoption. Their reasoning is that Oliver is "too clingy" and "meows non-stop outside their bedroom door at night" to go in (because he wants to be with them and they do not let him in their room). The couple finds this clingy behavior "destructive" and no longer wish to keep him.

If you or anyone you know would like to adopt Oliver and give him a forever family, please text or call me and I will connect you with Darius. Oliver deserves a second chance and a forever home. I hope we can find this for him. He is currently still living with the couple, but they are pushing Darius to find Oliver a new home ASAP :(

Please only consider adopting Oliver if you:
- LOVE manja pets and will not mind Oliver being needy (he just wants to share his love)
- Have experience raising cats and understand the effort and time involved
- Are serious about giving Oliver a forever home (his heart really can't take a second abandonment)

*If you have other cats, that might help as Oliver seems to love company and attention. It may help curb his neediness as well.

Most people love manja pets, but I guess some people don't understand them (especially if they don't have much experience raising pets). Though a lot of people are initially very excited to get a new pet, they lose interest once they realize how much work it takes — their "toy" no longer becomes fun or worth the effort. So, this time, it's very important for Oliver to go to a home that embraces his love and understands the commitment, effort, and time required to raise a pet.

Location: Klang Valley, Malaysia

If you could please help me share as well, that'd be great! ❤
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Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Oliver “the Oreo” - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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