Meet Ginger and Coco!
Location: KL
WhatsApp for more info.
Don’t these two look just like a painting!? with Ginger’s radient orange patches and Coco’s ribbons of amber, chocolate and black, they are made to meowdel!
Ginger and Coco are uncle and niece, and part of a long-standing kitty family living at a very nice housing area in KL (they picked a great spot!) One-by-one they were neutered and released back, and in the end, only these 2 stuck around. When we first heard the story, we were surprised - since their bond is so strong we assumed they were litter mates. But it just goes to show how social and loving cats are - family, friend, they can bond with any kitty given the chance.
Ginger is made to be indoors. He immediately settled in with his foster and was snuggling up and rolling around the bed like it was his own within minutes. When Coco is feeling unsettled, Ginger will be there by her side - his support varies from a hug, a smack in the face, or pinning her down by the scruff (don’t worry, he isn’t hurting her).
Coco is much more shy. She spent the first week trying to find an escape route (to her great disappointment, to no avail! #indooronlyistheonlyway). Gradually, she settled down, especially after a trip to the cat dentist to sort out an infected tooth which was causing her to have sore eyes too. Coco will now happily snuggle with Ginger and allow pets from her foster meowmy, but will always be a more shy and cautious cat. She takes some time to settle indoors, and adopters should expect a little meowing at the start, but within a couple of weeks she develops trust and begins to calm. She is a sweet girl who deserves the patience, love and understanding to see her true wonderful colours.
We are looking for a pair adoption only for this wonderful pair. Double the cats, double the love, double the joy. You won’t regret welcoming Ginger and Coco into your family.
The are estimated to be 4 and 5 years old, both are neutered, vaccinated and FIV/FeLV negative.