Cantik... is gorgeous!! Look at that pretty face.....
But don't let that pretty face fool you. Just like her namesake Buttercup from Powerpuff girls, this is one spunky kitten. Loves to play, a little clumsy but that makes her all the more adorable.
She loves perching on places where she can see the action in the room and can be chatty. She has a long beuatiful tale, gorgeous coat and a sweet voice she uses to get your attention. Did I mention she's gorgeous?
I have to travel for work and have to rehome her soon. She's been an indoor kitty all her life and I hope that can continue. She's also never been alone, so please do consider adopting her with a sibling (I suggest Blossom Ayu - they look great together!) so she won;t be lonely.
If you would be willing to foster her for a few months - that can be discussed too.
PM me if interested please.