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   « Back To Listing Pippa (
Pippa  (  - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 4 Years 3 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationPuchong, Selangor
Posted26 Jul 2021 (Updated 11 Dec 2021)
Adoption FeeFREE
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If you intend to adopt a puppy/dog in the near future please read this.

I have a little story to share about 2 puppies who were robbed off the opportunity for a forever home thanks to fickle minded adopters.

Pippa & Chippa have been given 7 days to be rehomed or face going to the pound as their rescuer/fosterer was slapped with a notice from the council (majlis) due to complaints from neighbors.

The first adopter took both Pippa & Chippa in together and kept them for a month along with all the food and supplements the rescuer provided. As that depleted so did the adopters intention to house them. Before adopting they were agreeable to all the terms & conditions, showed off their current pet and said positive things that assured the very very prudent rescuer.

One month later she was called and asked to pick them up with no proper reason. She was greeted by 2 very hungry but happy pups who were dirty and had all sorts of wounds and hotspots all over them.

The abrupt return unleashed a vicious chain of cycle for these babies. In and out of foster homes and potential adopters houses. Getting lost for more than 4 days. These babies have gone through hell and still have not failed to give up on humanity.

Their rejection reasons mainly surrounds around them not being puppies..


They once were.. and due to a stupid move by an individual that never stopped to think about these 2 pure souls they’re stuck with no place to go and may end up in a pound and worse (breaks my heart to say this) be euthanized aka PUT TO SLEEP.

What was their mistake?
What was the rescuer’s mistake?

Please please please open your hearts and house to these pups. They’re loving, gentle and still have so much of fire in them.

Pippa is currently staying at foster home. She is friendly to other dogs , gentle and timid to human. She love to walk on leash and definitely will be your best companion ❤️
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Pippa  (  - Mixed Breed Dog

Pippa  (  - Mixed Breed Dog

Pippa  (  - Mixed Breed Dog

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