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   « Back To Listing Good Boy, Chase
Good Boy, Chase - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 2 Years
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted17 Jul 2021 (Updated 20 Jul 2021)
Adoption FeeRM 150
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Everyone, Meet Chase ❤️

There is so much to say about this gorgeous, sweet, happy dude of a dog, but I’ll start off by saying that he’s got beautiful Sunshine Energy, and you’d know what I’m talking about if you were lucky enough to have spent time with him.

Let’s start with the nitty gritty stuff - His Bio.

Chase is a Male dog currently living at home within the Klang Valley. He’s been estimated to be no more than 2 years of age by the vet. Speaking of vets, he’s been de-ticked, dewormed, done is first round of vaccines (another dose has been scheduled for the 8th of August) and had only just been neutered. He’s also had a full blood workup done and is medically Sound, in every way! He’s got a medium-ish coat on his medium-ish body and he last weighed in at about 16.9kg’s, with a little more room to grow.

& now, His Story. He was found roaming the neighbourhood by a kind samaritan when she was out on a walk with her dogs. They approached Chase and there he was, tail a-waggin’! It’s been almost two months and no one has come to claim him, except for that one time someone did and completely trailed off upon contact. Some neighbours have said that they’ve noticed him on and off for weeks before he was taken in. We believe he was abandoned (which sadly is a phenomenon we see so much of these days) but despite his circumstances, he is one the most lovey buggy soul of a dog that I’ve come across in a long while.

If you’ve made in this far into my little essay about Chase, I take it that you’d like to know what he’s like, so, here’s Who He Is, and How He Loves.

Chase is a good boy. We say this about so many dogs but he really is, and it shows in the little, everyday moments he’d share with his humans. He’d sit and wait for his meal till you tell him it’s okay to eat. Giving him baths are so easy because he enjoys his baths and would stay still for you while at it. He loves his walks and although he’s still learning not to pull and trying to wrap his head around heeling, he listens to you and your corrections, responding well to positive reinforcements brilliantly. I reckon he’d be so fun to train, and would really appreciate the mental stimulation it could give him. He loves to play and he’ll give you a little nudge as if to say “play with me, please?” and he also loves laying on the couch with you. He’s really shy around strangers, but warms up to you within minutes of meeting you, this sweet boy.

If we measured dogs and their expressed love languages, his would be quality time and acts of service ❤️Anyway, there is so much more to say about this warm being and I could honestly go on, but if I did, this would turn into a full on thesis, so let’s cut to the Chase (haaaa did you catch that?! 😂)

Chase is currently living in the comfort of a home with his fosterers. Attached with this love note for him is a collective of photos and videos of him taken over the past few weeks (which don’t do him justice at all!) that hopefully shows you what an amazing dog he is. If not for the size regulations when it comes to dogs where I live, I’d take him in a heartbeat and if his fosterer didn’t already have two dogs, she would, too.

If I can’t take him, I know that someone great will and all I want is for him to go to a Home that he deserves, with people who deserve him and what he can give you ❤️

& Now, The Important Part. Facts

CHASE IS NOT TO BE ADOPTED AS A GUARD DOG. He is to be kept indoors with safe access to the outdoors.

CHASE NEEDS HIS DAILY WALKS. He thrives off exploring, exercising and training sessions with you.

CHASE, LIKE ALL DOGS YOU BRING INTO YOUR FAMILY, NEED YOUR TIME. It's only right to remind you that Chase will need time, effort and patience to be integrated into your family & home.

PETS ARE FAMILY, and we mean this in every way. Please understand that Adopting him means that you are committed to his lifetime care which revolves around proper food, healthcare, love and more.

AN INTERVIEW WILL BE CONDUCTED and a formal adoption form will be sent out for you to fill should you be keen on adopting Chase. We mean well.

My name is Jasmine, and if Chase pulls on your heartstrings as much as he does mine, you can reach me at.

Note : I put up a small adoption fee which will be used for neutering, spaying and vaccinations for other dogs in the near future. Whether or not you'd like to contribute, that's entirely up to you!
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Good Boy, Chase - Mixed Breed Dog

Love me my couch pawtato life
Love me my couch pawtato life

Good Boy, Chase - Mixed Breed Dog

Love me my walks
Love me my walks

Just got neutered, Living the Cone life but still Happy as ever!
Just got neutered, Living the Cone life but still Happy as ever!

Playtime in the midst of Lockdown. He brings so much joy into a home <3

First trip to the vet and he was the sweetest thing ever!

I think I was more nervous about the vet trip than he was. Good boy, Chase.

Lockdown self-entertainment at it's best.

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No idea what he's doing here but he's the cutest dang dog. He just wants to be with you, always

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