My dog is incredibly and unconditionally loyal to me. She loves me as much as I love her or sometimes more.
She is like the best teddy bear to cuddle with
We always play catch outside my house
She and I always sleep together on my bed and she wakes me up before anyone else in the house
She is the reason I am active and good at exercise. She will never let me be lazy. Whenever possible, we always keep playing some or the other games .My pet dog will always be there with me to support me and shower unconditional love on me
She is the first person to be happy whenever I come back home from school. She will cuddle and lick all over my face and show me how much she missed me while I was gone
Win Win is not just our family member, she is the most clever member of our family. She will play games with us, keep all our family members together with his love and cuddles and also he keeps thieves and uninvited guests out of our home. My pet dog is the best thing ever that has happened to me in my life