This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Hello there,
We have more than 30 cats at home; all of them are strays. My mother found a few kittens recently and I was just wondering if there is any loving and caring home that is ready and willing to provide the love and care they need . Interested should email me now as soon as possible :)
Hi mstypist. Kalau ada 3 warna, sah la female. Rare sgt male yg ada 3 warna. Warna yg kiri tu 'calico'. Kalau warna yg campur2 (kain buruk kdg2 org panggil) tu 'tortoiseshell'. Semoga dpt rehome kittens tu :)
I live in Sg Buloh and I am not sure if it is a male or female. :) Nanti I check okay? Cheers