(Please read before messaging me)
Bo, an orange cat with a long tail, is a rescue from the neighbourhood. Walks with a significant limp from a fractured leg, but doesn't stop him from playing or running at all. Poop and pee normal thus far.
He's a bit shy and timid, and will hide for the first few days. He doesn't much like other cats. It will take good food and time to earn his love, but once you do, he'll come greet you when you call, and will also weave figure eights around your legs. Has a cute thing he does when you scratch his bum: he'll flip over and show you his belly and chin to be petted and will only lick you. Won't bite or scratch usually.
Adoption is FREE, but comes with the usual conditions that you MUST agree and adhere to:
1) Indoor only
2) Full vaccination
3) Deworm and deflea regularly + bring to vet when necessary
4) No coloured/too salty kibbles
5) Regular photo/video updates in the first month, then once in a while until the cat is vaccinated
Please remember that taking care of a cat's wellbeing will cost a lot of money, and you must have the finances to be able to do so.