yeah...well, tat pic taken when i took him in.i havent update any pictures after he had recovered from the malassezial and the yeast infection.will do soon.he still the same, hyper active male hahaha....never expected found u in here hehehe...brain got fatter than before i took him in.hahha...n fur got longer...i tried few weeks want to cut his nails and paws' fur he refused for me to do last, yesterday done it.pampered and talked with him.hes ok now.hehhee....but tears alot.making the stains out shave alittle there.ehhehe....
he love playing with mickey now.haha...sometimes mickey find brain to play with also. chris told me tat brain cant sleep alone downstairs so i trained him to sleep downstair and doesnt bark alot during nite already but i noticed he barks when he pee and poo outside the cute....